What is psychological testing?
The purpose of a psychological testing evaluation is to assess an individual’s cognitive/neuropsychological and social- emotional profile and identify if any diagnostic presentations are present. Tailored evidence-based recommendations are then provided to help improve psychological well-being. The testing recommendations become something of a road map for the client’s next steps and treatment planning.
Should I pursue it?
Psychological testing is typically beneficial for those seeking additional understanding of themselves, their child or adolescent’s behavioral and/or social-emotional functioning and other learning difficulties. Other common reasons that individuals are referred for assessment are to evaluate cognitive strengths/weaknesses, to rule out various diagnostic profiles such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or assess social-emotional functioning (e.g., worries, sadness) and determine the extent to which these concerns may be impacting daily functioning and behavioral or academic performance.
What are the different assessments offered?
Psychoeducational Evaluation
Intellectual Ability Testing (IQ testing)
ADHD Testing (Child/Adolescent)
ADHD Testing (Adult)
School Readiness Testing
School Consultations
Social/Emotional and Behavioral Assessments
Neuropsychological Testing
Where can I learn more?
For more information on psychological assessments and details on assessment services offered, please call 724-626-4444 or email us at tracycounselingcenter@gmail.com